Sunday, March 28, 2010


Lots of great shit going down at WMC, but im a dumbass and always forget to take pictures/videos, but here is a clip/interview with 12th Planet from Bang Bang at White Room. You can totally see a glimpse of me and alot of Sleepy T acting a damn fool! Our boy 12th Planet killed it, and if you don't know about 12th Planet, then you must be sleeping.... enjoy

Monday, March 1, 2010

Flicks FLicks Flicks

a few pictures of me and Sleepy T from Mag Bar a few weeks ago, enjoy.

Videos coming soon!

So I've got some videos from last week from a couple of shows i did with Skyscraper Stereo, I'm gonna post these soon, also I have a few new mixes im gonna post up this week as soon as I decide the best way to host them, also we will be adding some flicks from these events asap. Oh and everybody should def come out to Dirty South Dub vs. Brass Knucks on March 12th. It's gonna be wild. We will be playing all manner of stuff not just dub for anyone that scared. It's gonna be a banger, all the cool kids are gonna be there and so should you......don't worry i'll post a flyer asap...


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